Archive for March, 2007


"When the pawn hits the conflict" by Fiona Apple

March 29, 2007

Este poema es vieeeeeeeeejo, pero me parece interesante, pues no lo habia leido y realmente es bien reconfortante.



When the Pawn Hits the Conflicts
He Thinks like a King
What He Knows Throws the Blows
When He Goes to the Fight

And He’ll Win the Whole Thing
‘Fore He Enters the Ring
There’s No Body to Batter
When Your Mind Is Your Might

So When You Go Solo,
You Hold Your Own Hand
And Remember That Depth
Is the Greatest of Heights

And If You Know Where You Stand,
Then You Know Where to Land
And If You Fall It Won’t Matter,
Cuz You’ll Know That You’re Right



March 28, 2007

La imagen es cortesia de Diario Libre (obviously) y muestra al MEJOR GRUPO DE ROCK DE LA REPUBLICA DOMINICANA. Y por tal razon, perdieron el Premio Casandra a Artista o grupo Pop-Rock del ano.

Es que nadie se da cuenta de que Panky no sabe cantar? Que no tiene la menor idea de como se hace eso? Si, sus canciones son muy buenas, pero no las escribe el; si, el grupo hace una ejecucion magistral, pero desde que Panky abre la boca, eso se va al carajo. SENORES, A BAND IS AS GOOD AS ITS SINGER!!!

Pero na. Calor Urbano perdio Mejor Video a una vaina ahi que nunca hevsito en mi vida. Sabra dios…

Wishful thinking, pero yo sabia que eso no iba a pasar, Nux con un Casandra. Y disque Roberto Carlos Mejor Actor alante de Frank Perozo… Unju si, enje…



E’ pa’ lante que vamo!

March 24, 2007

Esta fotico es cortesía del blog y habla sola. La UASD tendra una remodelacion de 200 Millones de Dolares para que a los estudiantes les den clases con velas. Genial. Sigamos cogiendo las cosas a chiste, que vamos bien…




March 24, 2007

Y en otras noticias, para salvaguardar la reputación de grillos universales, la Srta. Santiago a. k. a. Massiel Taveras, fue coronada Miss República Dominicana Universo 2007. Esta guanaja (pq no hay otro apelativo) le quito la corona de las manos a la mujerona de Salcedo, que realmente es la reina. Me parece ver Miss Universo de nuevo cuando el grillo puertorriqueño le quito la corona a la japonesa de la mano.

Una nota curiosa, Massiel es prima de Mia, que también gano por Santiago, pero es hermana de Isaura Taveras, que en el 2004 fue representante de San Cristóbal y fue Primera Finalista del Concurso. No es curioso que hermanas de padre y madre vivan en provincias diferentes?

Por otro lado, Miss Salcedo se una Eva (Miss Espaillat 2006) a la lista de reinas que nunca fueron, algo asi como Diana de Gales y su “Reina del Pueblo”, como en su momento llegaron a llamar a la misma Isaura. Recordemos algo por favor. A Mia se la metieron por ojos, boca y nariz a todo el mundo y no quedamos ni en las finalistas. Renata gana con el apoyo del publico y miren donde fuimos a parar, igual con Amelia. Larimar gano por obra y gracia del espíritu santo y ni la duena del concurso quería saber de ella. Señores, llevense del publico, que la gente no grita de valde.

Ya tenemos grillo del ano. Esperemos a ver ahora que pasa en México con Miss Universo.




March 23, 2007

De este excelente disco, que a mi entender no ha recibido la atencion que merece, se han lanzado varios sencillos, sin embargo, “Drag” es mi seleccion de esta semana.

La cancion tiene muchos elementos que en lo personal, me llegan hasta el fondo del alma. La verdad es que este disco contiene muchisimos elementos oscuros, profundos y muy experimentales. Infra-red y Drag son quizas de lo mas pesado, pero conservan el mismo grando de escuridad mental que me gusta.

Es muy descriptiva de una etapa de mi vida que lucho por olvidar. Pero me persigue, es mi eleccion, pero es asi…

Bajenla o compren el disco de cualquier modo, le sgustara el contenido…




March 23, 2007

Ultima entrada nueva que es realmente vieja, con algunas fotos de estos dias. Ehl.

Boys Night Out
March 18th., 2007.

Ok, so I decided to spend some time sharing with people. It is nice to every now and then be a part of some group, its enlightening to see other people interact, something like going to the zoo and watch the chimps beat each other up for the remaining banana.

During these few days, I have rather come even closer to an old friend of mine, who has taken it upon his own hands to brighten me up. God knows what happens when I brighten up. Among our last visit to the mundane, we visited a decadent restaurant everyone dies to be seen at, I found out however, it’s more of a self-pride thing: After paying that bill, they better make sure I get treated like a king and get seen by the peasants. Another friend pointed out that I was a hypocrite for not wanting to be seen there: DUDE YOU ARE RIGHT, I was just playing the angel. Of course, I want to be seen here eating with the rich people of my country that is what I live for.

After the series of lectures we received was over, we got a little break from that hectic agenda and, well, I got to be mean a little.

Here I am working debating on whether or not I should go back home and lock myself inside until Saturday morning came, or, go out. I will amuse the idea of staying home, by saying, it would have been as logical as Napoleon riding his black horse during his conquest of Isla Catalina.

I called my friend who suggested we go to a park I have not been at since forever and I must say I did feel a little disappointed at first because parks are not my thing. In fact, I was amazed he actually suggested we go there, but I am a man of living, I like action and new activities so I am always up for a little excitement.

First experience; I get to the park and wait for my friend to get his ass over here. One element approaches me in singular fashion talking about my muvo and its technical resources just out of the blue. Do I look like I care what it thinks? No, but it keeps going at it as if I do, so I pay a little attention. Lets remember that I am living a celibate life so strange, unknown elements are kind of off the question. My friend gets here, and that was a look to die for, I wish I had the phone on video cam to get that here.

We leave the little bar, get a table, set of chairs, and start viewing the merchandise the local market has to offer. After 2 hours and maybe 36 pieces of flesh later, we spot a couple more of my friends, so we invite them to our table and we drink (more).

Second experience; After a ton of chit-chat, my buddy gets my friend as close to the wall as he can with a sword fit for King Arthur. I do not know if it was the alcohol or what, but this was the most amusing moment EVER. I just started laughing at this particular set of scenes that I just totally forgot I was supposed to stand up for my friend, who is being pummeled by one of the worlds most polite, best trained bitches known to mankind. My friend has not spoken to me since.
After a disaster that should have been a friendly moment of friends knowing each other better (or whatever), my friend leaves, so my Buddy and me decide to move on to bigger and better grounds and go to Ohm, my favorite club.

Third experience; we mysteriously run into my friend who left me just a couple of moments before. So now I am a bit confused (and drunk) and do not know if they want or not to hang out with me. In the spirit of diplomatic approaches to difficult situations, I decide to just pay up, get inside and keep drinking. This brings me to my next story.

Fourth experience; Here I am, minding my own business, trying to get a beer, when my friend suggests there is another element, and I quote “checking me out”. Now I worry. It cannot be that two elements are into me in one single night. My friend could have spotted the element while trying to check HIM out. I do not know. I do not want to know. I do want to know why the hell is it so hard to get a freaking beer on an empty bar.

So after another awkward moment, I just keep struggling to dance much to the encouragement (or chagrin, whatever) of my buddy. When visiting the lounge area for about the third time, we encounter the fifth and final experience. I will reserve this story for another time. It was confusing and very disappointing. This could have been the end of the celibate experience for one night (or two maybe depending on stamina). It involved a cigar (Monika, eat your heart out!), a drink and a starry night. Just for future reference, to my Buddy: This element was in fact subject to punishable damages in just about any Arab-Islamic country for the commitment of immoral acts and flaws related to character that might have originated capital punishment condemnation by an ordinary first degree tribunal.

Therefore, this was the week of a million experiences. These last five where just the tip of the iceberg. Thanx dude, we will be laughing about this one for the next year or so, depending on if someone starts talking to me again. If he does not, then we will only laugh at it when we bring it up on the conversation, and will do so only in a brief, moderate manner (Yeah, right!).
